The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks is currently accepting applications for the Great Lakes Local Action Fund to protect and restore Great Lakes’ watersheds including connecting rivers. The Provincial Government has earmarked up to $1.9 million for the second round of funding to support local projects that can demonstrate positive environmental impact on these watersheds. Community based projects must be submitted by March 11, 2022 and address one of the following priorities:
- Naturalization and restoration
- Protecting habitat
- Shoreline cleanup
Applicants must be registered through www.ontario.ca/GetFunding for a “Transfer Payment Ontario” TPO Account. To qualify, the project may be led by one or more of the following:
- Community-based organizations
- Environmental non-profits
- Indigenous communities
- Small businesses
- Conservation authorities
- Municipalities
Eligible expenses can include:
- Staff salaries
- Goods including the purchase of plants, trees, shovels, garbage pickers, bags, gloves, boots, etc.
- Services including web-design, technical design, consultants, etc.
- Equipment/Capital/Rental
- Giveaways for volunteers and participants
Travel and hospitality expenses are not eligible for the Great Lakes Local Action Fund.
Click here to access application guidelines and forms. For help contact the Transfer Payment Ontario Customer Service line at (416) 325-6691 or TPONCC@ontario.ca, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST.