Municipal Election

The people have spoken and we have a new municipal council, a new regional council and a new set of school board trustees.

Thanks to all the candidates who put their names on ballots and who had the courage to stand up for what they believe in. Congratulations to the winners who now have challenge and responsibility of following through on their campaign promises.

And thanks to those who took the time to research their candidate positions and then to vote for the candidate of their choice.

Municipal elections are important as municipal governments affect many aspects of our daily lives, more so than those at the provincial and national level which tend to receive much broader media coverage. It should be easier than it is to contact candidates and to really understand what they stand for. There has to be a better way than mailbox flyers and door-to-door canvasing. Maybe next election.

In the meantime, the BEA looks forward to the next four years, working with our political leaders to make Brampton a sustainable community, healthy and resilient, economically, socially and environmentally!

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