Peel Talks Climate

Last Thursday evening the BEA was invited to participate in the Peel Talks Climate event sponsored by the David Suzuki Foundation. The event was held at Alderlea, a heritage conference building in downtown Brampton.

About 35 in-person and 40 on-line residents, from Caledon, Brampton and Mississauga listened to presentations by municipal leaders and staff on the importance of climate action and what each municipality is doing related to climate mitigation and adaptation.

Peel Talks Climate Event

Leya Barry, Climate Change Supervisor from Mississauga, Pam Cooper, Environmental Planner with the City of Brampton, and Cristina Guido, a Climate Change Specialist from Caledon attended the in-person event and gave excellent overviews of the climate actions being taken by their respective municipalities.

Video messages were delivered by Mayor Bonnie Crombie of Mississauga, Deputy Mayor Hakirat Singh from Brampton and, Councillor Rowena Santos from Wards 1&5 Brampton. Caledon Mayor Annette Groves and Councillor Alvin Tedjoe from Ward 2 Mississauga participated by electronic link and responded to questions from the audience.

Organizations at the event, in addition to the Brampton Environmental Alliance, included, Sierra Club Peel Chapter, People Against Littering, Community Climate Council and Stop Sprawl Peel.

Thanks to Divvya Arora from the David Suzuki Foundation for organizing the event with help from Rahul Meta, (Stop Sprawl Peel) and Miranda Baksh, (Community Climate Council).

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