Three more Graceful Aging Through Connecting with Nature events are now in the history books as the project bids farewell to May. The last five events have experienced spectacular dry sunny weather which helps draw the crowds.
Continue reading “Three more events completed as the Graceful Aging Through Connecting with Nature Project bids adieu to May”Friends and Stewards of Dorchester Hosts Birding and Painting Events as part of the Graceful Aging Project
The Friends and Stewards of Dorchester Park, this past week, hosted two events as part of the Graceful Aging Through Connecting with Nature, GATCWN, Project supported by the Government of Canada and coordinated by the Brampton Environmental Alliance.
“Spring Birding in the Park” was this past Saturday May 20th. Cold and rain, discouraged picture taking but the event was still attended by 7 hardy souls, 5 of whom were seniors. With the aid of “Birding Kits” courtesy of the Brampton Library and Bird Studies Canada. the group learned some useful tips for using binoculars, and learned about the importance of growing native species and removing invasives to support bird habitat. They also learned tips for birding success and where to find additional resources to be even more successful bird-watchers. And, of course they saw a number of bird species including: Downey Woodpecker, American Robin, American Goldfinch, Song Sparrow, Red Eyed Vireo, Northern Cardinal, Common Grackles, Red Winged Blackbird, Blue Jay, Mallard Duck and even a Swanson Thrush. Good spotting!
Participants received prizes to build their own birding kits for future outings.
Did you know that outdoor household cats are responsible for killing an estimated 2.5 Billion birds every year? They are one of the leading causes of bird mortality, according researchers at the University of Guelph. Keep your cats indoors to protect birds from predation!
“Discovering Dorchester Park through Plein Air Painting”, the second GATCWN event of the week, was held on Tuesday evening May 23rd.

Stephanie Schirm, a local artist and art educator, led the class in landscape painting on a beautiful spring evening.

The group had a wonderful time and did a fine job of capturing the beauty of the local park landscape!

Two more GATCWN events are scheduled for this weekend. Discover Native Flowers in Dorchester Park tomorrow from 10-11:30am. Click here to register. On Sunday attend a Park Cleanup event hosted by People Against Littering. Register here. Meet at Creditview Park 10-11:30am
Centre for Community Energy Transformation Announces New Executive Director

The Board of the Centre for Community Energy Transformation (CCET), is pleased to announce that Tony Iacobelli is assuming the position of Executive Director, effective June 5th.
The Centre for Community Energy Transformation is a community-based, not-for-profit organisation supported by Peel and its municipal partners to lead energy transformation in the Region and help the transition to a low-carbon future.
Initially referred to as the Institute for Sustainable Brampton, the creation of the CCET was called for as part of Brampton’s 2040 vision project.
It is designed to be an organization that will advocate for energy investments, secure both private and public funding opportunities and be a hub for municipal energy excellence. It will assist residents, businesses and commercial property owners with improving energy efficiency and lowering carbon emissions.
Tony Iacobelli is an ecologist, award-winning planner, and green building advocate. While at City of Markham, he secured Council endorsement for a pathway to net zero energy buildings by 2030. He also launched the City’s first comprehensive natural assets study. Previously, at City of Vaughan, Tony developed and implemented, Sustainability Performance Metrics, an innovative, award-winning program for reviewing development applications that was created collaboratively with Brampton and Richmond Hill.
“We are delighted to welcome Tony as our first full-time Executive Director”, says Peter Love, CCET Board Chair. “His combination of experience, background and enthusiasm is exactly what we need to ensure that our new organization realizes its full potential of impacting the energy transformation in Peel Region.”
Tony says, “I am thrilled to be joining the Centre for Community Energy Transformation as its founding Executive Director”. “Working together with our Board, the communities of Brampton, Mississauga and Caledon, and our partners, we will scale up climate action in Peel Region with the goal of dramatically reducing carbon emissions and shifting to a sustainable energy future. I am excited to be a part of this momentum for change and honoured to be leading this important initiative.”
Stay tuned for more exciting news, soon to come from the Centre for Community Energy Transformation.
Planting trees at Peelton Hills
I admit that I didn’t know where Peelton Hills Park was when I started out this past Saturday morning for the Sierra Club/CVC tree-planting event. It’s not a park I’ve frequented before. It was a beautiful spring day and Google Maps said it would take me less than 40 minutes to travel the 11.5km by bike.
Continue reading “Planting trees at Peelton Hills”Dorchester Park Gets a Spring Cleanup from its Friends & Stewards
The Friends & Stewards of Dorchester Park launched their 2023 season this past Saturday April 29th, with a park stewardship startup event. This involved clearing out invasive species, making it easier for native, “pollinator friendly” plants to flourish. Funds from the Graceful Aging Through Connecting with Nature project, (GATCWN), helped the group purchase a tent to help promote the event and protect participants from the wet .
Continue reading “Dorchester Park Gets a Spring Cleanup from its Friends & Stewards”