Dorchester Park Gets a Spring Cleanup from its Friends & Stewards

The Friends & Stewards of Dorchester Park launched their 2023 season this past Saturday April 29th, with a park stewardship startup event. This involved clearing out invasive species, making it easier for native, “pollinator friendly” plants to flourish. Funds from the Graceful Aging Through Connecting with Nature project, (GATCWN), helped the group purchase a tent to help promote the event and protect participants from the wet .

“We were thrilled to get the tent in time for our spring launch”, said Stacey Wilson, a long-time resident in Bramalea’s D section and who heads up the Friends & Stewards of Dorchester Park group. “An awesome addition to support the group to continue stewardship in the park, especially on rainy days!”

About 20 people participated in the event including Charmaine Williams who is the Brampton Centre MPP and Associate Minister of Women’s Social and Economic Opportunity of Ontario. Half of the participants were seniors meaning they count toward the GATCWN project target of encouraging 500 seniors to improve their physical and mental health by getting outside and engaging with nature.

The group removing Garlic Mustard invasive species and litter pick up from hedge line in Dorchester Park

The group received an orientation on invasive species identification and removal. Garlic Mustard in particular is an invasive plant that poses a significant threat to native plants and pollinators. The group also planted a few trees that were provided by the City of Brampton and donated by one of our stewards.

To learn more about invasive species identification and management check out Stop the Spread! Check your own yard and remove plants before seed set by the end of May. Understand the importance of native plants in supporting healthy nearby nature—your own gardens included!

The GATCWN project is funded through a New Horizons for Seniors grant provided by the Government of Canada and managed by the Brampton Environmental Alliance.

The next GATCWN event is a tree-planting at Fred Kline Park on Saturday May 6th from 9:30-12:00. Click here to register. The event is jointly hosted by Sierra Club Peel and Credit Valley Conservation Authority.

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