P.A.L.S. Sweep Eldorado Park!

by Milan Bhutta

July 23rd was another successful P.A.L. event with, Brampton South MP Sonia Sidhu visiting and presenting an award for organizing the event to BEA and to PAL. On the award she said, “Cleanliness and respect for our environment is important, and I commend you for reminding us about it.”

Ward 3&4 Councillor Dennis Keenan also came with his children to help with the  park clean up. Additionally, there were some new faces including 2 new seniors who were attending a clean up event for the first time.

MP Sonia Sidhu and Councillor Keenan with PAL at Eldorado Park

Considering the size of the park, it was fairly clean already, which was so great to see. We still, however, filled up four bags with collected trash. The summer month’s parks supervisor was so happy to have us!
At the end of the cleanup, the raffle was drawn and prizes handed out.

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