The Heart Lake Turtle Troopers were busy during the end of July and August as turtle hatchlings dug themselves out from their nests. The Troopers collected many of these newborns and helped them find nearby water where they would be more likely to survive.

The Troopers were also introducing new people, to the beauty of local wetland areas in Brampton. The first event was at Loa Loafer’s Lake Park on July 27th and the second event was at Donnelly East Park on August 20th. Thirteen wetland tour participants, including seven seniors saw several species of turtles including Snapping, Painted and Red-eared Sliders as well as other animals including geese, ducks, even a beaver! They also learned a lot about turtle habitat protection and conservation.

The Troopers do a great job protecting the nests, and helping more turtles survive to adulthood.
Friends of Dorchester Park had another successful Plein Air in the Park event on August 17. The class of 10 seniors learned about using charcoal to create beautiful landscapes.

Friends of Dorchester Park has one more outdoor art event on September 26th. Register soon as these events have proven to be very popular!
Not to be outdone, People Against Littering held a clean up event on August 27th at Earnscliffe Park. Over 30 people attended, more than half of them seniors with the support of the Association of Senior Clubs, Brampton.

A short Thai Chi lesson preceded the clean up.

Media coverage was provided by OMNI News and the event was attended by City Councillor Rod Power.

A good time was had by all.