by: Milan Bhutta
Fourteen people including 5 seniors, joined members of People Against Littering, (PAL), for a Park Clean Up at Lillie Roberts Park this past Sunday September 17th. Lillie Roberts is located just north of Countryside Drive and just west of Goreway Drive.
The group started with a tai chi warm up exercise which was welcomed by the participants.

This event is part of the, Graceful Aging Through Connecting with Nature, (GATCWN), project with the aim to help seniors stay healthy and independent by doing physical activities outdoors in nature with friends and family.
It’s not too late to come out and participate. Check the list and register for GATCWN events coming up this month and in October.

Councilor Toor dropped by to told the group of the importance of volunteers and that he fully supports PAL’s initiative in the effort to have Brampton be the first litter-free city in Canada .

Finally, Amisha Moorjani, the owner of Food Quotient, catered delicious vegan wraps that everyone was able to enjoy and that tasted delicious! Another successful PAL/GATCWN event!