Seniors Join Secondary School Students for Second Rooted in Hope Training Class

This past Saturday October 21st, 6 seniors, 9 students and 2 teachers braved the strong wind and cool temperatures to attend the second Rooted in Hope tree monitoring training session at Batsman Park located off Father Tobin Drive, beside Louise Arbour Secondary School just west of Bramalea Road. Alice, Sadia and Sedi, from ACER were there to once again lead the session. Participants who had attended the first session in August were assigned leadership roles to train the others in basic tree measurement .

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Heat Pump Chronicles Vol 4

This is the fourth in a series of posts on our journey to navigate government grants and loans available for home energy retrofits and to replace our natural gas furnace with a cold-climate heat pump. Click here to see all articles in the series.

Our heat pump is installed. It’s beautiful and, although it’s only been five days, we love it! We are noticing a more comfortable, consistent temperature throughout the house. In fact, it has felt so warm, even in the basement, that we’ve been able to lower the thermostat temperature by .5°C and not feel cool.

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Heat Pump Chronicles Vol 3

This is the third in a series of posts on our journey to navigate government grants and loans available for home energy retrofits and to replace our natural gas furnace with a cold-climate heat pump. Click here to see all articles in the series.

With Thanksgiving upon us and the weather turning colder, I realize it’s been almost 6 months since my last post about our journey to replace our natural gas furnace with a heat pump. No, we haven’t given up, far from it. But progress has been slower than anticipated navigating the granting and loan processes within the Federal and Provincial government agencies. And there hasn’t been a lot to tell you.

It turns out, a lot of the delay was the result of bad timing and poor communication. So, if you are considering making the switch, I can assure you that your journey will be easier than mine. Here’s why.

Continue reading “Heat Pump Chronicles Vol 3”