The BEA’s Graceful Aging Through Connecting with Nature Project is winding down. Here is your opportunity to participate in the final three events.
On October 11th, the BEA and People Against Littering will host an instructor led, hour long GENTLE STRETCHING IN NATURE for seniors event in Knightsbridge Park. Come out and enjoy nature while being kind to your body through gentle stretching.

If you are looking for more activity, then why not go for a nature walk in Donnelly Park East the morning of October 14th. You will learn about the wetland area’s local plant and wildlife populations and help plant a pollinator meadow that will attract a variety of pollinator species.

The final GATCWN event is a park clean up at the Flower City Community Campus on Sunday October 15th at 10:30am.
Join the volunteers from People Against Littering, for some fun, prizes and snacks as we work towards making Brampton the first litter free city in Canada!