This past week, City and TRCA staff hosted three community engagement sessions at the Paul Palleschi Recreation Centre to provide more details about the Loafer’s Lake and environs wetlands enhancement project.

Earlier this month, the Ontario Government promised $2.5M to enhance wetland areas in four locations in and around Loafer’s Lake and along the Etobicoke Creek valley up to Conservation Drive. The Community engagement sessions provided more details on what will be built by when.
There is a need for this project. Loafer’s Lake is the third worst of all lakes in Brampton in terms of water quality. The shoreline is deteriorating and the trails are lined with invasive species such as garlic mustard and buckthorn. And increased risk of severe storms due to climate change threaten flooding. This project is designed to address the above issues and provide an opportunity for public education and environmental stewardship.
Construction will begin next month and the project must be complete prior to the end of December. The trail will be closed most of that time and the City has provided detour routes, one for walking and one for cycling. Some trees, including invasive buckthorn, will need to be removed to allow for restoration and construction access. Those trees that are removed will be repurposed in the restoration work to provide habitat for turtles and other aquatic species. The city is also promising to protect as many of the healthy mature trees as possible. 6,500 trees, shrubs and aquatic plants will be planted in replacement.
City staff are looking for your comments on the project. You are invited to fill out a feedback form. HAVE YOUR SAY!
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