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BEA Meeting Wednesday February 23, 2022

Member meeting starts at 6:30pmRegular public meeting starts at 7:00pm Register for the meeting through Eventbrite The next meeting of the Brampton Environmental Alliance will be held virtually on Wednesday February 23rd. Informal networking at 6:15pm. The member meeting starts at 6:30pm sharp! The regular public meeting follows immediately after starting at 7:00pm Click the Register button for your free ticket. Member Meeting …

Brampton Council Approves Centre for Community Energy Transformation

This past Wednesday Brampton Council unanimously approved seed funding for the Centre for Community Energy Transformation, or CCET. This is a very important milestone on the city's path to a low-carbon future. The concept for the CCET started in 2018 as part of the Brampton 2040 Vision exercise, one of the most comprehensive public engagement process the City has ever …

Peel Region wants your feedback on garbage user fees

Do you regularly use your green bin for compost and kitchen waste? How about garbage vs. recycling. Are you diligent about separating and rinsing out plastic and metal containers before you toss them? Would it change your habits if you had to pay based on the amount of garbage you dispose of? Currently everyone in Peel Region pays the same …
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