Have Your Say About Canada's Climate Plan!
On December 15, under cover of Christmas so that it would be easy to miss, the Canadian government announced a consultation on their climate change plans. Next Friday, January 14 the consultation closes. It’s a crucial opportunity for regular people to have our say about Canada’s climate targets and the plan to reach them.
The fossil fuel lobby has a well organized groups who oppose climate change action. It's important the voices of regular Canadians, who want the government to take bold climate action, be heard. Here are some ways you can participate:
- LeadNow has created a simple form to send a letter as input to the consultation. You can tailor your response or just send the very good answer that’s already there. This is the easiest way for you to have an impact.
- Climate Messengers has created this toolkit that explains the consultation questions and gives you sample answers. You can learn about the different topic areas in the survey, read their sample answers, and tailor them so that they become your own. This will take you longer, but you will learn something in the process and have a greater impact.
- Or you can go straight to the Government survey and create your own answers. This might have the biggest impact.
Whichever way you choose to participate, please do so – our silence on an issue like this is similar to tacit approval of the current government plans which must be made stronger.
David Laing - BEA Acting President