City Council – Wards 2 & 6

A primary role of the City Councillor is to support the vision of the City/Region and support the agreed to Council priorities while representing the interests of local Ward constituents. Being a City Councillor requires tact, diplomacy, leadership and negotiation skills. 

It also requires balance. On one hand, Councillors are elected by their constituents to represent their views when dealing with issues that come before council. Constituents have many views and opinions, and Councillors cannot represent all of them, all of the time. On the other hand, election to office requires Councillors to have a broader understanding of the issues that impact the municipality as a whole. Conflicting interests will have to be considered and decisions must be made that will not be popular with everyone.

Generally, evidence-based decisions are made by taking into account all available information in an open and transparent process. Balancing municipal and constituent priorities is critical in achieving One Planet Living through the 10 principals identified below. 

Culture and Community

Climate change represents a significant threat that can only be addressed through collective action. When it comes to environmental issues, we truly are all in this together. Council can impact residents’ opinions about  the importance of environmental sustainability by relating them to different cultures and backgrounds and  providing concrete actions we all can take that will give them hope as we collectively deal with the climate crisis.

Question: How well do you understand and support the City’s 2040 vision document?

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson
I’m intimately familiar and support itX
I’ve read it. It is a good aspirational goalXX
I know about it and don’t have strong opinions either way
I think it is time for a new vision for the City
I’m not familiar with it but would like to learn more
I don’t think Vision 2040 is a priority for Council

Question: If elected what would be your top three priorities to help the City maintain focus on achieving the 2040 Vision?

Navjit Kaur Brarfocus on implementing sustainability projects to ensure Brampton is a world leader in the fight against climate change. public investments into expanding transit and active transportation modes in the city to reduce gridlock and build a stronger city. Investing in sustainable developments, Brampton is a growing city and new developments need to happen however there needs to be an emphasis in developing in an environmentally safe way.
Jermaine Chambers
Sirajul IslamGreen Park Network, Revitalized neighborhood, enhanced transit
Vijay MairResidents’ engagement is important to implement and enforcement so first thing is to work on participation. Awareness of the information and knowledge of changes is important for correct implementation of the project. So bring awareness and knowledge to residents. When implemented correctly, Sustainability has a bigger play in maintaining and improving the new environment, community. So community education and involvement is necessary to sustain that can be brought through community groups, social clubs/organizations and associations.
Joe Oreskovic
Raghav Patel
Hardip Singh
Cody Vatcher
Carmen Wilson

Land & Nature

Efficient use of land is one of the most important ways that municipalities can protect and restore land for the benefit of people and wildlife. Higher building densities means more land can be preserved for nature protection and recreational activities. Higher density also provides larger tax revenues per hectare and reduces the per unit costs associated with infrastructure, servicing and maintenance. 

Question: How do you think Brampton should grow as a City? How would you prioritize the following types of development?

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson
Single-family homesRank 6Rank 6Rank 6
Rental/Condo TowersRank 5Rank 5Rank 4
TownhousesRank 4Rank 3Rank 5
Mixed use subdivisionRank 2Rank 1Rank 2
Social/affordable housingRank 1Rank 4Rank 1
Mid-rise medium density housingRank 3Rank 2Rank 3

Question: What is the ideal amount of greenspace (hectares per 1,000 persons) that Brampton should aspire to?

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson

Question: Do you support the current Heritage Heights Plan including the Boulevard option?

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson
OtherHospital plan is not there, which I would like to include

Question: Do you support the current Grow Green Master Plan?

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson

Question: Do you support the current Urban Forest Management Plan?

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson

Question: Do you support the continuation of trail building in Claireville Conservation Area?

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson

Question: Parks in Brampton play an important role in protecting habitat, reducing climate impacts, reducing stormwater runoff and helping people to preserve mental and physical health by connecting to nearby nature. Will you ensure that the parks department has the budget they need to maintain and help improve the quality of parks and related programming in the city of Brampton? 

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson

Travel and Transport

A 2018 energy audit reports that 60% of the City’s carbon emissions is from transportation with over 80% of that coming from personal automobiles. A 2013 TDM study indicates that the Region cannot build sufficient road space to accommodate the growth in car traffic by 2040 if current mode share patterns persist.

Question: Do you support the current Active Transportation Master Plan?

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson
OtherTraffic congestion and accurate population growth should be considered in calculations.

Question: Do you support extending the Hurontario LRT to the Brampton downtown GO station and points further north?

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson
OtherOnly if its elevated , not blocking already busy roads

Question: Do you support the expansion of Zum BRT lines in the City?

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson

Question: Would you continue with the six lane moratorium on Brampton roads to maintain accessibility?

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson

Question: What other approaches would you support to reduce traffic congestion in the city and improve accessibility and road safety especially for vulnerable road users?

Navjit Kaur Brarexpanding public transit routes and looking at options like the LRT.
Jermaine Chambers
Sirajul IslamBetter transit planning, more speed cameras and speed bumps, more awareness campaign
Vijay MairBy-pass roads and hwys on north. Job creation in Brampton to keep commute within Brampton.
Joe Oreskovic
Raghav Patel
Hardip Singh
Cody Vatcher
Carmen Wilson

Heath & Happiness

The physical health of our community has been in decline in recent decades due in large part to sedentary lifestyles. Mental health is also affected by people not feeling a sense of connectedness to their community. These problems are particularly acute in youth and young adults.

Complete communities that are walkable, bikeable and have links to public transit tend to have much higher rates of physical activity than communities that are considered to be “car-centric”. Higher rates of physical activity also contributes to better mental health outcomes.

Question: How important is it for Brampton to prioritize building complete communities where the majority of amenities are within a 15 minute walk?

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson
Very importantXXX
Somewhat important
Neutral importance
Somewhat unimportant
Not at all important

Question: If elected, what would you do to encourage the development of complete communities and to retrofit existing neighbourhoods to become less car-oriented?

Navjit Kaur Brarinvesting in more public transit options and active transportation methods such as bike lanes to reduce gridlock.
Jermaine Chambers
Sirajul IslamBetter transit and promote local business
Vijay MairIt is important to reduce traffic achieving less collisions and reduce carbon emissions environment to have such communities.
Joe Oreskovic
Raghav Patel
Hardip Singh
Cody Vatcher
Carmen Wilson

Question: Brampton has a growing rat problem. At present the region pays 250.00 for residents to hire an exterminator to “get rid of the rats”. This has proven to be temporary and ineffective. What measures do you propose to address this urban problem that will restore eco-system balance with rat/natural predator populations?

Navjit Kaur Brar
Jermaine Chambers
Sirajul IslamMaking sure our surroundings are clean for example front and back yard, city lands
Vijay MairBackyard gardens and more green lawns are important.
Joe Oreskovic
Raghav Patel
Hardip Singh
Cody Vatcher
Carmen Wilson

Zero Carbon Energy

Mitigating the climate change risk means reducing fossil fuel consumption as quickly as practicable. City  infrastructure consumes a lot of energy and cities can be amongst the leaders in implementing energy conservation and fuel switching programs.

Question: In 2022, Brampton Council approved the CCET, Centre for Community Energy Transformation, a not-for-profit corporation to help Brampton implement its Community Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan and Peel Region meet its carbon emissions reductions targets. The City provides partial funding. Would you continue to support the CCET if elected?

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson
OtherWill have to review before I can come to a decision

Question: In September 2020 Brampton Council endorsed the Community Energy and Emissions Reduction Plan (CEERP) to, improve energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create economic advantage, ensure energy security, and increase Brampton’s resilience to climate change.  Would you support the continued implementation of the CEERP and the achievement of its GHG reduction targets?

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson

Question: Will you support the phase-out of gas-powered electricity in Ontario, ask the province to supply renewable energy to municipalities, and oppose the re-contracting of the Goreway gas-fired power plant, the largest greenhouse gas emitter in Brampton and the third largest emitter of nitrogen oxides? 

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson
OtherNeed more investigation and data to reach the correct action taken.

Sustainable Water 

Brampton has parts of three watersheds within its boundaries including the Credit and Humber Rivers as well as the Etobicoke Creek. These watersheds provide significant eco-system services including temperature moderation, storm-water management and recreational opportunities. The City is responsible for co-managing these resources with the Conservation Authorities.

Question: Water quality in our watersheds has been declining in recent decades due to pressures of development including, low levels of natural cover as well as  increased imperviable land cover causing sediment, road salt and other toxic runoff.  How important is it that watershed water quality be maintained or improved even if it means altering development plans adjacent to or near watershed areas?

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson
Very importantXXX
Somewhat important
Neutral importance
Somewhat unimportant
Not at all important

Equity & the Local Economy, Materials & Products, Zero Waste: 

If everybody lived the way that North Americans do, it would take five planet’s worth of resources. We have only one planet. We must use resources more efficiently if we are to sustain our living standards and allow others to improve their lot. Cities consume significant materials and products. How they are procured and used can have a big impact on the City’s local economy as well as on its sustainability.

Question: How important is it for the city’s procurement process to favour local manufacturers, fair trade or ethically sourced products, and encouraging the circular economy? 

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson
Very importantX
Somewhat importantXX
Neutral importance
Somewhat unimportant
Not at all important

Question: How important is it for the City to encourage residents’ waste reduction practices by installing waste separation bins in all city facilities and parks, to work with the Region on waste reduction education and to work with Brampton library on materials repair and reuse, (Repair Cafe)?

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson
Very importantXXX
Somewhat important
Neutral importance
Somewhat unimportant
Not at all important

Question: What other things would you support to reduce waste and support equity in the local economy?

Navjit Kaur Brar
Jermaine Chambers
Sirajul IslamWork with provincial and federal govt to reduce waste in the packaging
Vijay MairIntermittent Education and awareness for the correct implementation and enforcement.
Joe Oreskovic
Raghav Patel
Hardip Singh
Cody Vatcher
Carmen Wilson

Local and Sustainable Food

Ontario is a net food importer, importing annually about $10 billion more than it exports, (ERL et al., 2014). Local food security is threatened by loss of farmland due to development and increased cost of imported food due to political uncertainty and climate change. 

Question: How important is it for Brampton to have a food security strategy and a plan to provide more locally grown food through projects like urban agriculture and agricultural land reserves?

ResponsesNavjit Kaur BrarJermaine ChambersSirajul IslamVijay MairJoe OreskovicRaghav PatelHardip SinghCody VatcherCarmen Wilson
Very importantXX
Somewhat importantX
Neutral importance
Somewhat unimportant
Not at all important
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