Williams Parkway Redesign A Step Closer

Williams Parkway future cross-section

The City of Brampton has completed a study for improvements to Williams Parkway from Dixie Road to Torbram. The study was commissioned in 2020 after Council requested staff to reevaluate a previous recommendation that would have seen the road widened from 4-6 lanes, See June 2020 BikeBrampton blog where different options were considered.

The study supports the City’s transition to a more sustainable urban design approach where the focus is on moving people comfortably, safely and efficiently through the use of various transportation modes including walking, cycling, and transit in addition to cars.

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The Etobicoke Creek has a new Watershed Plan

lightning over Etobicoke Creek valley
Etobicoke Creek Watershed Plan cover
Etobicoke Creek Watershed Plan cover

The Etobicoke Creek watershed is highly urbanized with large amounts of hard surfaces and low amounts of natural cover compared with other watersheds in the greater Toronto area. This contributes to issues with flooding, erosion, and negative impacts to both animal and plant habitat. The added stress of further urbanization and climate change impacts will further degrade watershed health unless immediate remediation and mitigation actions are taken.

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Record Severe Weather Costs Canada $7 Billion: TAF’s 2023 Emissions Report Show Us What’s Next

GTHA Emissions Map

Summer 2024 shatters records for severe weather damage: Over $7 billion in insured losses from floods, fires and hailstorms.” That’s the headline from a recent Insurance Bureau of Canada blog post. The post highlights the unprecedented number and severity of natural disasters across the country that resulted in a 406% increase in the number of property insurance claims compared to the 20-year average. “These events are escalating at a shocking rate and Canada is simply not prepared”, said Celyeste Power, IBC president.

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BEA Completes Healthy and Connected Bramalea Project

Bramalea SNAP Map

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority has teamed with City of Brampton, the Federal Government’s Healthy Communities Initiative, United Way, and various community partners, including the BEA, to deliver projects in Bramalea’s K, E, and F sections. This is all part of the Bramalea Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan (SNAP). The Bramalea SNAP integrates local community interests and sustainability objectives under the overarching theme of working together for a green, healthy, and welcoming Bramalea neighbourhood. The Action Plan is made up of six themes, each with their own integrated initiatives:

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Province considers bike lane ban

Vodden St. Bike Lanes

Last week at a news conference , Premier Doug Ford confirmed that his government is considering a province-wide ban on bike lanes where their installation would require removal of a vehicle lane. This proposal may be good populist politics. The topic of bike lanes is contentious. It often elicits visceral negative reactions, from business owners who see them as a threat to commerce, from neighbourhood groups who see them as a threat to what they believe is their God-given right to on street parking and, from drivers in general, who see bike lanes as a loss of their allocated road space and an addition of complexity to their already mentally and emotionally challenging commute. Yet the installation of bike lanes, as part of a broader vision for allowing more choice in how we travel, is a potential antidote for many of today’s environmental, social and economic challenges.

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BEA and Partners to Deliver Summer Programming

Brampton Bike Hub pop up at Bramalea Secondary School
Post Author: Cindy Evans

This summer, with financial support from TRCA’s “Building a Healthy and Connected Bramalea” project, the BEA is providing 3 programs to the residents of Brampton – specifically aimed at engaging residents living in the E,F and K sections of Bramalea. This area has been highlighted as part of TRCA’s Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan (SNAP). The objective of Bramalea SNAP is to foster neighbourhood revitalization that integrates local community interests and sustainability objectives under the overarching theme of working together for a green, healthy, and welcoming Bramalea SNAP neighbourhood.

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Rooted in Hope 2023-24 Project finishes

Rooted in Hope Training
Rooted in Hope Training 
Gore Meadows
Rooted in Hope Training at Gore Meadows Community Centre

The Rooted in Hope 2023-24 project hosted its final event on Sunday April 21st. About a dozen and a half participants, one third seniors and two thirds secondary school students, enjoyed the bright sunshine yet below seasonal temperatures for the final tree monitoring training at Gore Meadows Community Centre.

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Earth Day, Cold, Wet & Windy – Again!

Brampton's new all electric fire truck.

Saturday morning dawned the same way that it has for the past three years, windy, wet and numbingly cold. Storm clouds raced across the sky bringing driving snow and hail pellets. With the temperature hovering around 5 degrees, the snow did not stay on the ground but the biting wind made it feel far cooler than the temperature indicated. Despite that, several hardy souls made the trek to the Earth Day celebration by bicycle, some coming from as far away as Georgetown.

Cyclists leave from Paul Palleschi Recreation Centre in Heart Lake heading for the Earth Day celebration at Gore Meadows Community Centre
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Achēv EcoSphere conference & job fair

David Laing presenting at EcoSphere

On Saturday March 30th, the BEA participated in the Achēv Eco-Sphere environmental conference & job fair which was aimed at raising awareness about sustainability and eco-friendly practices.

MP Brampton Centre Shafiq Ali presents at the EcoSphere conference

The event featured engaging speakers including, Shafqat Ali, MP for Brampton Centre, Paloma D’Silva, a recently graduated environmental data management specialist from Mississauga, Miranda Bhaksh, founder of Community Climate Council and recently named one of the Top 30 Changemakers under 30. I was honoured to also be included on the list of guest presenters.

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It’s Earth Month – Give your planet a hug!

Dayle hugging willow tree

April is a great time of year. It heralds the true beginning of spring with longer days, warm sunshine and soaking rains that wash away the winter blahs. Signs of love are everywhere, from the birds gathering nesting material to the young folk, holding hands in the park.

Perhaps the best part of April is that it heralds Earth Month, a time to think about all of the environmental challenges we are facing and to take positive action to create a sustainable future for us and all the creatures sharing this small planet we call home.

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